Resources for Non Profit
Rally Your Community to Support 9/11 Day Benefit Your Nonprofit, Too!


Plan a project for 9/11 Day. Take a moment now to think of a group project or activity that helps others in need, or benefits your neighborhood, organization, or community. Then invite others to join you in supporting that project. Your project doesn’t have to happen on 9/11. Just pick a day that works for you and the group. Visit AmeriCorps for project ideas.

Participate in the “virtual” #IWillFor911Day campaign. Access our #IWillFor911Day Toolkit for instructions on how to participate. It’s free and easy: Just invite colleagues, members and friends to come up with their own “good deeds” and share their plans via social media for 9/11 Day. #IWillFor911Day, or #911Day, and your hashtag.

Launch a fundraising drive. 9/11 Day is a national day of “doing good deeds,” so invite members of your community to consider making donations to support your programs and mission.
Share your 9/11 Day projects and activities on social media. Join the tens of thousands of organizations, schools and employers that annually post photos, videos and special messages on social media for 9/11 Day, #IWillFor911Day. Help keep the promise to Never Forget by promoting kindness, unity, and service in tribute.

WATCH OUR 9/11 AMBASSADOR VIDEOS.Each tells the story of 9/11 Day from a different, and compelling perspective.