Resources for Employers

Inspire Your Employees to Do Good Deeds for 9/11 Day #WillFor911Day


#IWillFor911Day is easy and free!
Simply invite colleagues, members and friends to post a message on social media on 9/11, pledging to do something good (any good deed or act of service) in tribute for 9/11 Day. 

in our Meal Packs?



Access your free #IWill Employer Guide and Toolkit. You’ll find a detailed explanation of the program, sample emails, short videos, and a few “best practices” to make your campaign a success.



Prepare/launch your own campaign.Beginning between August 15 – 21, 2024, send around an organization-wide message/email announcing your support for 9/11 Day, and inviting members or colleagues to participate as well by planning their own good deeds for the month of September, then sharing their plans on social media on the morning of September 11 itself, #IWillFor911Day, or #911Day, and your hashtag.


Send out reminder messages on September 5 and again on September 11.


Track your participation and measure your impact!. There are a number of helpful, easy to use and inexpensive tools that you can use to track and measure the number of good deeds that your colleagues or members post on social media. Consider Sprout Social, Brand24, and Hootsuite.


SHARE OUR 9/11 AMBASSADOR VIDEOS FOR INSPIRATION. Each tells the story of 9/11 Day from a different, and compelling perspective.

See video Leader

Cait Leavey

Lost her father, an FDNY firefighter, on 9/11

See video Leader

Scott Strauss

Police officer and 9/11 rescuer.

See video Leader

Jay Winuk

Co-founder, 9/11 Day, lost his brother Glenn on 9/11.

See video Leader

David Paine

Co-founded 9/11 Day to promote unity in America.

See video Leader

Thomas Howard

Born on September 11, 2001

See all videos

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